For access to all Every Viking Has Strengths details, resources, and activities:

All week long we will be celebrating and appreciating the strengths in our Viking students.

Each day our students, staff, and parents will have the opportunity to recognize the strengths they see within individual students in our Lakeside community by filling out "Strengths Spotting Cards." 

We will use these cards for gift card prize drawings throughout the week. 

And every day between Monday and Thursday we will have treats, buttons, and wristbands to give away during lunch for any Viking Student who would like to participate!  

Each day students will also have the opportunity to sign a Prom Pledge to make safe responsible choices on behalf of themselves and their friends and classmates.

Monday, 4/15 (Tax Day!): Focus on Strengths of Justice and Chocolate Coin Giveaway

Tuesday, 4/16: Focus on Strengths of Wisdom and Smarties Giveaway. Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) will also join us with games and activities!

Wednesday, 4/17: Focus on Strengths of Courage and Goldfish/Pretzels Giveaway

Thursday, 4/18,  "Every Viking Has Strengths Day": Focus on Strengths of Humanity and Transcendence with Cookies/Treats for Every Student

Friday, 4/19: Focus on Strengths of Temperance/ Drawings for Prizes

Let's enjoy celebrating all the strengths we see everyday in our Lakeside students!

Every Viking Has Strengths is sponsored by Lakeside High School PTSA